magnifying Jesus
is our goal.
at kingdom live we live out our faith not just through our online episodes, but also in person. we believe that our episodes are more than just content they are a stepping stone toward true connection, and greater impact. our episodes pave the way for in person gatherings where we can grow, and worship together.
we’re also preparing for mission trips that will allow us to magnify God’s kingdom worldwide. we pray that our ministry can bring renewal, transformation, and lasting community both locally, and globally in the name of Jesus.
your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. matthew 6:10
help support our ministry.
there are several ways you can support our ministry. first of all we ask that you join us in prayer, without prayer nothing eternally significant can take place. you can also support us financially through our store, or through our giving links. another way you can support kingdom live is by joining one of our teams. we have several teams that you can join, and be apart of. all of these things are accessible here on our website through the navigation bar.
kingdom gateway.
the ultimate purpose of kingdom gateway is to help equip you in your walk with Christ. our goal is to help you boldly put Jesus on display, and magnify God’s kingdom in your daily life.
(kingdom gateway is not yet available for use)
share your story.
every follower of Christ has a unique testimony, and your testimony could be impactful to others. you never know how much someone else can relate to your testimony, and be encouraged by it. if you are interested in sharing your testimony you can email your testimony in video, or text form to: and we will do our best to feature it on an episode. praise stories may also be shared through the same email.
more about the
kingdom live mission.
kingdom live exists to magnify the kingdom of God, and help people fully devote their lives to Christ. we believe in the eternal truth of God’s word, and root our lives in that truth. at kingdom live we do all things for the glory of God, and our ultimate goal is to make His name known. in the future we pray we can have bi-annual in person gatherings where the body of Christ can worship His holy name all together.
there are already opportunities for joining the kingdom live team including our in person street ministry team. with our teams we pray we can make a significant impact in the lives of others, show them that everybody is somebody, and that Jesus loves them.